Thursday, January 19, 2006

Daddy Dearest

The National Enquirer says Teddy's illegitimate son is 21 years old and no longer a big Kennedy family secret. Teddy's camp calls the story
"irresponsible fiction". Read it here .

Whom do you believe?

Hasn't this moral reprobate been given enough free passes by the voters of Massachusetts?


Topwomen said...

I stopped listening to anything this man said after Chappaquidick (spelling?).

Tom & Icy said...

I bet his brothers were just as bad, but we didn't hear as much back then.

tlm said...

We all do crazy things when we're drunk. Even more so with Teddy.

cube said...

You bet. The Kennedy clan has enough skeletons in the closet to go around, but barring a proficiency in the arena of scandal, Teddy can't hold a candle to his more academically, militarily, and politically gifted brothers.

Jessica said...

I can't really see the picture of the kid very well, but he sort of looks like the guy that Britney Spears married The first one. The "I just wanted to see what being married felt like" so I got hitched in Vegas to this tool and then annulled it 50 hours later one.
Am I wrong?

cube said...

They are both bi-pedal, carbon-based, lifeforms, but other than that ;-) If I squint, they kind of look alike, but not so much.

Sar said...

Hmmm, does the kid have a giagantic head with an ego to match?

Jamie Dawn said...

I saw this very headline when I was out shopping today.
I can't understand how he can be SO condescending and make charges about Alito's "past" when his own past reeks. Alito is like an angelic being in comparison to Teddy.

Jen said...

One so rarely gets a chance to use the word "reprobate" any more. Way to go!

cube said...

jen: thank you, dear. When it comes to Teddy, I think he's
getting off easy with the word reprobate. I could do much worse.