Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Long before vegetarians and vegans became so plentiful that you can't swing a dead cat over your head without striking one, children were admonished to eat their vegetables by the Jolly Green Giant.

Sadly, the voice of the Jolly Green Giant, Elmer "Len" Dressler Jr., died recently at the age of 80. And another piece of the past is silenced forever.


Dak-Ind said...

there are so many bits of history that are gone but never forgotten thanks to television and the recording mediums. every nmow and again you will hear of this great piece of lost history found in a vault at some studio. besides, as long as VH1 is doing i love the 70s and 80s we wont be allowed to forget this stuff!

cube said...

and *ahem* the 60's, although I've never seen VH1 remember that decade.

Anonymous said...

Len, Gene, Bonnie, and Don (Singer unlimited) continue to entertain even though their last album was recorded almost 30 years ago. The bass vocal talent that Len gave as a gift is a treasure. What he created can only be considered a masterpiece.